Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Lost Art of Letter Writing: Gatsby to Daisy

Dear Daisy,
      The past five years without you have been heart wrenching, and I am glad I have finally gotten to see you after so long. It was very kind of Nick to invite me to his house so that I could see you. You have no idea how much I have wanted to see you. I look across the bay, often late at night and wonder how you are fairing. Marrying such a brute as Tom. The marriage I can see was simply for stability of your mind. You wanted to settle down and maybe grew tired of waiting for me. I feel pity that you have to sleep in the same bed with that hulking, oaf. With a body like that a man can really do some damage, I be careful if I were you.
       You cannot imagine what I have gone through to get you to notice me after this long time. Everything has been for you, Daisy. Ever since I kissed you, I was determined to make you a part of my life forever. I could never forget the way your exhilarating voice fluctuates every time you talk. Now we can catch up where we left off. We both know that Tom is cheating on you, so why not run into my arms for comfort. I will give you five, no ten years of my love to make up for your suffering. So come to me Daisy, for I will always be willing. The question is, are you?

                                        Jay Gatsby

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